Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Open House!

Selamat Hariraya Aidilfitri! These are the 3 words I keep hearing over and over again for the last 10 days or so. Brunei Darussalam (meaning Abode of Peace in Malay) is an islamic country. I came from the Maldives which was an Islamic country too but there is a major difference in the celebration of Id or Hari Raya as its called in this part of the world, following the ending of the holy month of Ramadan. After a month long fasting where all the muslims eat before sunrise and end the fast after sunset, a noble way to cleanse their soul and body, the fasting culminates with Id-ul-fitr, Id meaning Festival. The celebration has the same ring and importance as Diwali has for the Hindus and Christmas for Christians. But in most Islamic countries, the celebrations is a one day affair though the festive mood lingers for a while.
However, in South East Asia, the festival culminates in another noble way. After having fasted for so long with so much of self-control, the people here celebrate Id with a month long celebration of hosting lunch and dinner. Nothing special about the celebration if it was just eating with your friends and family but thats not the case. The celebration here is an OPEN HOUSE ...the house is thrown open for the public for a festive lunch or dinner. Anyone and everyone is invited to come and have dinner with the hosts and there is no distinction between rich and poor, hindus or muslims, friends and foes. There is a tent put up outside the house with the world as its invitees and a variety of mouth watering delicacies is served to anyone who wants to join. Of course, the family has its set of invitees and its kind of tricky and doesnt go down well if you dont wish to attend the same once invited. But never have I seen a concept where there is an open invitation by every muslim in the country who has the blessings of Allah to host a festive meal for his fellow human beings. I was really impressed by this thought and gesture.
The Sultan of Brunei also throws open his palace for lunch/dinner for the commoners for a period of 3 days and during this time meets each and every person who wishes to meet him. But naturally, the queue for this day to shake hands with the richest king in the world is never ending and you need to muster up quite a bit patience and energy to shake hands with royalty. It should come as no surprise that the Sultan holds the Guinness record for shaking hands with the maximum number of people in a day in a stipulated time.
Selamat Hariraya Aidulfitri to all of you once again!

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