Thursday, May 23, 2013

Cottage Number 24

Anthu is Ghost in Malay... Bhoot as we know it in Hindi.... The name sounds scary and evokes fear and interest in anyone who hears it. How much belief you have in them or fear their presence is an individual's choice and that I leave it to the reader to decide. So this post is about Anthus. 
Anthus are a strong belief in this part of the world and huge amounts of money is spent to keep them at bay and multiple buildings have been evacuated and razed down where their presence is suspected. 
The other day, we were having a coffee break in the hospital clinic premises.It was a lul day at the clinic, probably many being lazy or too healthy to visit a doctor. So the coffee session talk drifted into Anthus and peoples' experience with Anthus. That's when my boss, a jovial and pleasant man, came up with his brush with Anthu which was probably his only one but nevertheless strong enough to make him believe in their presence. So here goes what he had to narrate. 
It was annual holiday time and my boss planned to go to India and visit Goa with family this time around. It was the millenium time and a good reason to take a break at a cottage home in Goa. All went well and they checked into the place which belonged to the Taj group with luxury and comfort well taken care of.
After a nice lazy day spent with family, it was time for dinner and my boss being a vegetarian like me preferred to have dosas unlike the rest of the family which wanted something oriental. So it was decided to split ways and have each one satisfy their taste buds. After the dosas, boss thought it was time to get back to the family and preferred a short cut by the side of the swimming pool rather than go through a circuitous route.Time was around 10 pm and as he passed by the pool, he noticed a lady swimming. Not giving much thought, he continued his walk  when he suddenly heard a lady's voice -"Excuse me, could you tell me where cottage number 24 is?" . The same lady who was swimming a few seconds back was standing next to boss and asking him. Boss was wondering how could one get out of water so fast but anyway, not wanting to sound impolite he looked around and spotted cottage no 20,21,22, 23,25 but cottage 24 was prominently missing. Boss politely apologised for his inability to help and guided her to the reception which was not far from where they were standing, and walked back to his destination. 
The night porceeded as usual into its depth and gave way to the sun at dawn and a perfect day to relax in the sun and sand. Boss decided to get a haircut and proceed with his plans for the day. 
Spotting a salon closeby, he walked into the shop and was promptly draped for the haircut by the barber. What's a haircut without a chit chat with the barber, specially when the barber is more than willing for a conversation.  So, boss started with the usual chit chat and went on to ask why is there no cottage number 24 in the resort. The barber became pale and after a second's delay asked him if he met some lady by the pool asking for it?  Boss was zapped at the question and replied in the affirmative. 
Barber replied -  " So you are yet another person who met the lady who was in cottage number 24.She with her whole family drowned in the pool a few years back..there have been quite a few visitors who have had similar encounter"
The pregnant pause and dry mouths in our coffee room was broken by the entry of the nurse with some papers requiring Boss's attention. The gathering broke and we all got back to our work.No one had much to say about what they felt about the authenticity of the happening or if they believed in anthus but nevertheless everyone was left with a slight chill running down their spine for a little while....


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