Tuesday, May 14, 2013

We don't smile :/

Let me greet everyone visiting my blog with a smile. Having spent a few years abroad for a while now, what I find in abundance outside India and majorly lacking in us as Indians in general,is the smile. We smirk, fume, laugh at others but anyone crossing our path, we think twice before smiling. We have to either know the person or need some genuine reason for the smile to break on our face. Smiling without a reason, even just for greeting, is rare in India. Let me admit it took me quite some time before I learnt the art and honed it. And then did I realise that it actually breaks ice to get a lot of things done. I can't recall how many times in my life have I ever smiled at anyone in a bus or train without an ulterior motive of getting my work done. May be I am mean or maybe its in my Indianness but having tried it myself, I can surely pass this "feel good" prescription.
When one gets a smile, it serves two purpose- 1. It makes one feel that his or her presence is pleasantly welcomed and 2. You dont have any awkward moments in case you need to really break into a conversation with someone.
Try it...pass a smile... C'monnnnn ...at least leave this blog with a smile on the face... :)